写一个 Python示例,打印奇数位置或奇数索引位置的列表项。在这个 Python 示例中,我们使用列表切片,从 0 开始,递增 2,以列表长度(列表的末尾)结束。
odList = [2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 22, 19, 90]
print('Printing the List Items at Odd Position')
在这个 Python示例中,我们使用 for 循环范围来迭代列表项,并在奇数索引位置打印列表项。
odList = [36, 48, 77, 55, 90, 128, 193, 240]
print('Printing the List Items at Odd Position')
for i in range(0, len(odList), 2):
print(odList[i], end = ' ')
Printing the List Items at Odd Position
36 77 90 193
odList = [14, 35, 78, 90, 120, 67, 98]
print('Printing the List Items at Odd Position')
i = 0
while i < len(odList):
print(odList[i], end = ' ')
i = i + 2
Printing the List Items at Odd Position
14 78 120 98
在本 Python 列表中奇数位置的项目示例中,for 循环从 0 迭代到列表长度。if 条件检查索引位置除以二是否等于 0。如果为真,打印数字。
import numpy as np
odlist = []
odListTot = int(input("Total List Items to enter = "))
for i in range(1, odListTot + 1):
odListvalue = int(input("Please enter the %d List Item = " %i))
print('\nPrinting the List Items at Odd Position')
for i in range(0, len(odlist), 2):
print(odlist[i], end = ' ')
print('\nPrinting the List Items at Odd Position')
for i in range(len(odlist)):
if i % 2 == 0:
print(odlist[i], end = ' ')
Total List Items to enter = 8
Please enter the 1 List Item = 14
Please enter the 2 List Item = 24
Please enter the 3 List Item = 34
Please enter the 4 List Item = 44
Please enter the 5 List Item = 54
Please enter the 6 List Item = 64
Please enter the 7 List Item = 74
Please enter the 8 List Item = 84
Printing the List Items at Odd Position
14 34 54 74
Printing the List Items at Odd Position
14 34 54 74
标签: ssl证书