

来源:互联网   更新时间:2023年6月21日  

Python 示例

写一个 Python示例,使用 For 循环和 While 循环对列表执行算术运算,并给出一个实例。

对列表执行算术运算的 Python示例示例

在这个 python 程序中,我们使用 For 循环来迭代给定列表中的每个元素。在 Python 循环中,我们对第一个和第二个列表的元素执行算术运算。

# Python Program to Perform List Arithmetic Operations

NumList1 = [10, 20, 30]
NumList2 = [5, 2, 3]
add = []
sub = []
multi = []
div = []
mod = []
expo = []

for j in range(3):
    add.append( NumList1[j] + NumList2[j])
    sub.append( NumList1[j] - NumList2[j])
    multi.append( NumList1[j] * NumList2[j])
    div.append( NumList1[j] / NumList2[j])
    mod.append( NumList1[j] % NumList2[j])
    expo.append( NumList1[j] ** NumList2[j])

print("\nThe List Items after Addition =  ", add)
print("The List Items after Subtraction =  ", sub)
print("The List Items after Multiplication =  ", multi)
print("The List Items after Division =  ", div)
print("The List Items after Modulus =  ", mod)
print("The List Items after Exponent =  ", expo)

在这个对列表执行算术运算的 Python示例示例中,NumList1 = [10,20,30],NumList2 = [5,2,3]。为此,我们使用 Python 算术运算符

对于循环–第一次迭代:对于范围(3)中的 0–条件为真 add . append(numlist 1[0]+numlist 2[0])=>add . append(10+5) add[0]= 15 append(10–5)=>sub[0]= 5 multi . append(10 * 5)=>multi[0]= 50 div . append(10/5)=>div[0

第二次迭代:对于范围(3)中的 1–条件为真 追加(20 + 2) = >追加[1] = 22 追加(20–2)=>子[1] = 18 多追加(20 * 2) = >多[1] = 40 div 追加(20 / 2) = > div[1] = 10 mod 追加(20 % 2) = > sub[1] =

第三次迭代:对于范围(3)中的 2–条件为真 也对本次迭代进行同样的操作

第四次迭代:对于范围(3)中的 3–条件为假 因此,它从 Python For Loop 退出

使用 For 循环对列表执行算术运算

在这个 python 程序中,我们使用 For Loop 来允许用户为每个列表输入自己的元素数量。

# Python Program for Performing Arithmetic Operations on List

NumList1 = []
NumList2 = []
add = [] 
sub = [] 
multi = []
div = []
mod = []
expo = []

Number = int(input("Please enter the Total Number of List Elements: "))
print("Please enter the Items of a First and Second List   ")
for i in range(1, Number + 1):
    List1value = int(input("Please enter the %d Element of List1 : " %i))

    List2value = int(input("Please enter the %d Element of List2 : " %i))

for j in range(Number):
    add.append( NumList1[j] + NumList2[j])
    sub.append( NumList1[j] - NumList2[j])
    multi.append( NumList1[j] * NumList2[j])
    div.append( NumList1[j] / NumList2[j])
    mod.append( NumList1[j] % NumList2[j])
    expo.append( NumList1[j] ** NumList2[j])

print("\nThe List Items after Addition =  ", add)
print("The List Items after Subtraction =  ", sub)
print("The List Items after Multiplication =  ", multi)
print("The List Items after Division =  ", div)
print("The List Items after Modulus =  ", mod)
print("The List Items after Exponent =  ", expo)

用于循环输出的 Python 列表算术运算

Please enter the Total Number of List Elements: 3
Please enter the Items of a First and Second List   
Please enter the 1 Element of List1 : 10
Please enter the 1 Element of List2 : 2
Please enter the 2 Element of List1 : 20
Please enter the 2 Element of List2 : 3
Please enter the 3 Element of List1 : 30
Please enter the 3 Element of List2 : 4

The List Items after Addition =   [12, 23, 34]
The List Items after Subtraction =   [8, 17, 26]
The List Items after Multiplication =   [20, 60, 120]
The List Items after Division =   [5.0, 6.666666666666667, 7.5]
The List Items after Modulus =   [0, 2, 2]
The List Items after Exponent =   [100, 8000, 810000]

使用 While 循环对列表执行算术运算

这个 Python示例用于列表上的算术运算,和上面一样。我们刚刚将 For 循环替换为 While 循环。

# Python Program to Perform Arithmetic Operations on Lists

NumList1 = []; NumList2 = []
add = [] ; sub = [] ; multi = []
div = []; mod = [] ; expo = []
i = 0
j = 0
Number = int(input("Please enter the Total Number of List Elements: "))
print("Please enter the Items of a First and Second List   ")
while(i < Number):
    List1value = int(input("Please enter the %d Element of List1 : " %i))

    List2value = int(input("Please enter the %d Element of List2 : " %i))
    i = i + 1

while(j < Number):
    add.append( NumList1[j] + NumList2[j])
    sub.append( NumList1[j] - NumList2[j])
    multi.append( NumList1[j] * NumList2[j])
    div.append( NumList1[j] / NumList2[j])
    mod.append( NumList1[j] % NumList2[j])
    expo.append( NumList1[j] ** NumList2[j])
    j = j + 1

print("\nThe List Items after Addition =  ", add)
print("The List Items after Subtraction =  ", sub)
print("The List Items after Multiplication =  ", multi)
print("The List Items after Division =  ", div)
print("The List Items after Modulus =  ", mod)
print("The List Items after Exponent =  ", expo)

使用 while 循环输出的 Python 列表算术运算

Please enter the Total Number of List Elements: 2
Please enter the Items of a First and Second List   
Please enter the 0 Element of List1 : 22
Please enter the 0 Element of List2 : 3
Please enter the 1 Element of List1 : 44
Please enter the 1 Element of List2 : 2

The List Items after Addition =   [25, 46]
The List Items after Subtraction =   [19, 42]
The List Items after Multiplication =   [66, 88]
The List Items after Division =   [7.333333333333333, 22.0]
The List Items after Modulus =   [1, 0]
The List Items after Exponent =   [10648, 1936]
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